Tag Archives: Workplace

New Mental Health Certifications Can Benefit Employees

Forbes says that one in five employees experience mental health conditions every year which causes companies to lose roughly $193 billion. That is why it is important that not only the physical health is taken care of for employees, but their mental health as well. Mental Health America announced a national employer certification called the […]

The Financial Cost of Ignoring Mental Health at Work

The giant stigma surrounding mental health is hurting businesses. Because more people are not willing to go into treatment, call-outs or losing your job can cause companies to hit a financial blunder. By erasing the stigma of mental health in the workplace, employees can keep their jobs and businesses can continue to thrive. Hard Financial […]

Preventing and Coping with Workplace Suicide

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that the U.S. suicide rates are the highest since World War II. In the workplace, it is said in a Forbes article that 270 U.S. employees killed themselves at work in 2013. It is important that the workplace, as well as employees, are aware of the signs […]

Consequences of Addiction in the Workplace: The Risks Our Loved Ones Face

Consequences of Addiction in the Workplace: The Risks Our Loved Ones Face

It typically begins with recreational use. We’re out having fun with a few friends, or we get home from work one day and we want to find a way to wind down. It feels so harmless – after all, we’re not abusing the substance yet and our intentions of using are quite simple. What happens […]