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Within the domain of personality disorders, there are three distinct clusters into which symptoms and similar disorder characteristics are grouped together. In each of these clusters, an overarching theme ties them together – People with these disorders experience the symptoms of each no matter the time, place, or circumstance, and they cause significant stress and impairment in everyday life.

The symptoms of these clustered personality disorders are so crippling that relationships, jobs, social lives, and interpersonal factors are painful and unstable. To cope with the overwhelming anxiety or lack of control, we often engage in maladaptive coping mechanisms like substance abuse treatment.

At Alta Loma, we are a men’s focused transformational service, taking a holistic approach to treating personality disorders. Within this blog, we will outline the three clusters of personality disorders and some symptoms and treatments for the most commonly diagnosed.

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Personality Disorders

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If you or a loved one needs to address mental health

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Within the domain of personality disorders, there are three distinct clusters into which symptoms and similar disorder characteristics are grouped together. In each of these clusters, an overarching theme ties them together – People with these disorders experience the symptoms of each no matter the time, place, or circumstance, and they cause significant stress and impairment in everyday life.

The symptoms of these clustered personality disorders are so crippling that relationships, jobs, social lives, and interpersonal factors are painful and unstable. To cope with the overwhelming anxiety or lack of control, we often engage in maladaptive coping mechanisms like substance abuse treatment.

At Alta Loma, we are a men’s focused transformational service, taking a holistic approach to treating personality disorders. Within this blog, we will outline the three clusters of personality disorders and some symptoms and treatments for the most commonly diagnosed.

Cluster A

Disorders in cluster A are tied together by distorted thinking. This cluster is called the odd, eccentric cluster and includes the disorders:

Symptoms of Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Everyone has eccentricities that make them stand out from others. However, if your quirks get in the way of your everyday life, there may be more going on than you know. A person with Schizotypal Personality Disorder may believe in supernatural powers, have issues with loyalty, dress oddly, and have rambling speech patterns or flat emotional responses. In adolescence, schizotypal personality disorder can bring about attention problems, social anxiety, or interest in being alone.

The three elements of schizotypal personality disorder include not being able to form close relationships, experiencing distortions in one’s thinking, and exhibiting eccentric behavior.

Schizotypal Personality Disorder vs. Schizophrenia

People with schizotypal personality disorder do not typically experience hallucinations or delusions. If they do, they are not as frequent or intense as those with schizophrenia. People with schizotypal personality disorder are open to the idea that their ideas and perceptions may be distorted, unlike schizophrenia, where people may deny any possible distortion. However, it is possible got someone with schizotypal personality disorder to develop schizophrenia later in life.

Schizotypal Personality Disorder Treatment at Alta Loma

The first step to taking control of schizotypal personality disorder is receiving a diagnosis. When being evaluated for a personality disorder, many people find it wise to bring a friend or family member who has observed their behaviors and can offer their perspective to doctors. You will also want to provide information about any mental health history in the family.

Psychotherapy and medication are generally involved in treating schizotypal personality disorder. Psychotherapy includes education about social skills and cognitive-behavioral techniques that help people challenge negative patterns of thinking. Doctors may also prescribe antipsychotic medications, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, or anti-anxiety medications to help with symptoms. Treatment may also mean addressing complications that stem from a schizotypal personality disorder, such as increased anxiety, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

Cluster B

Disorders in cluster B are tied together by impulse control and emotional regulation. This cluster is called the dramatic, emotional, and erratic cluster and includes the disorders:

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder associated with distorted thinking. Those who struggle with this disorder often seem extremely confident but are quite insecure regarding perceived slights or criticism.

The symptoms of NPD include:

  • Inflated sense of self-importance
  • Excessive need for attention or admiration
  • Lack of empathy
  • History of troubled relationships
  • Fragile self-esteem

People with this disorder may also act grandiose, dreaming of great power or success and believing themselves to have unique capabilities that set them apart from everyone else. These perceptions may make them impulsive, irritable, volatile, attention-seeking, and they may experience persistent instability in work and relationships.

NPD Has Significant Health Risks

It is a common misconception that people with NPD are truly secure and happy with themselves. While they may appear delusional, self-confident at times, they frequently experience shame, helplessness, and self-directed anger. As a result, they may turn to coping mechanisms like substance abuse and self-harm.

People with NPD are also more likely to spend time in the criminal justice system, suffer higher mortality rates due to cardiovascular disease, suffer gastrointestinal conditions, and have marital relationships end in divorce.

One of the primary dangers of this disorder is that those who receive this diagnosis are often resistant to the idea of undergoing treatment. However, medication and talk therapy have been proven effective in giving people with NPD the skills to manage their moods, behaviors, and distress.

Neglecting to receive treatment is a threat to the quality of their life and long-term relationships and the physical health of the person. Resistance to treatment can extend to life-threatening behaviors such as refusing to take medication, seeing a medical provider, or using a life-saving medical tool.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Treatment at Alta Loma

Treatment for NPD typically consists of psychotherapy. However, medications may be prescribed if the individual struggles with another mental health disorder.

Psychotherapy can help those with NPD learn to relate better with others, so their relationships are more intimate, enjoyable, and rewarding. They can also learn to understand the causes of their emotions and what drives them to compete, distrust others, and despise others.

Cluster C

Disorders in cluster C are tied together by a high level of anxiety. This cluster is called the anxious, fearful cluster and includes the disorders:

Symptoms of Avoidant Personality Disorder

An avoidant personality disorder is a lesser-known mental health disorder amongst the general public. Many individuals know what depression, anxiety, and even bipolar disorders are, but many are unaware of avoidant personality disorders. This lack of awareness can cause stigma to grow and be perpetuated amongst those who do not understand, leaving those who struggle with it feeling alone and isolated.

An avoidant personality disorder is a personality disorder that causes a person to avoid social situations due to low self-esteem or a fear of inadequacy. Many individuals with this disorder are extremely sensitive to rejection, causing them to avoid situations where this may occur, so they do not have to face it at all. This can cause problems in everyday life as those that struggle with this disorder often isolate themselves from those that care about them due to their condition.

Common symptoms of avoidant personality disorder include:

  • Overly sensitive to criticism or rejection
  • Extreme isolation
  • Extreme anxiety in social situations
  • Prone to always play it safe
  • Low self-esteem
  • Shy or awkward personality

Potential Causes

There are no known causes of avoidant personality disorder. It is thought that environmental factors play a significant role, such as your childhood. Genetics can also play a role, especially when genetics can cause changes in your physical appearance. If you are naturally shy as a child, this may continue into adulthood. In extremes, this can develop into an avoidant personality disorder.

Avoidant Personality Disorder Treatment at Alta Loma

Treatment will differ from person to person, as individualized care is best to address each person’s needs. However, treatment will typically consist of talk-therapy, which helps individuals identify issues that cause them emotional distress. If any other co-occurring conditions are also diagnosed, they will also be treated alongside the avoidant personality disorder to give the individual the best chance at recovery.

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Diagnosing Personality Disorders Is Challenging

Unfortunately, most who suffer from a personality disorder would rarely have enough insight into the behavior to recognize or describe it as a personality disorder. They often suffer from severe secondary symptoms such as depression, relationship problems, and poor academic or job performance. While some physical abnormalities in the brain can help identify personality disorders, research in this area has not identified diagnosable markers across the board.

Usually, a close witness to everyday behavior and history is asked to answer questions about the behavior of the person in the process of being diagnosed. Criminal records and medical history may also be relevant to creating an accurate understanding of behavior patterns.

Not only can receiving diagnostic information from the client be difficult, but those who receive a diagnosis often struggle to stay in treatment. Though treatment for these disorders can be complex, a combination of therapy and medication has been proven effective as part of the collaborative care model.

Diagnosis and treatment for personality disorders are possible with the help and support of friends and family and through the commitment of the client. For those who don’t have a support system but would like more insight into their mental health and treatment options, Alta Loma can give them a support system to lean on for the rest of their lives after graduation from the program. The men who enroll in Alta Loma’s treatment program will find relief from their symptoms and hope for life outside of treatment. For treatment options, call Alta Loma at (866) 457-3843.
