A common buzzword in mental health, lifestyle and addiction recovery platforms, “self-care” has become increasingly popular over the past year – but what exactly does it mean? While everyone could technically define self-care in their own way, Habits for Wellbeing, a website that publishes content related to mental, physical and spiritual wellness, highlights what self-care isn’t:
- Becoming stressed by adding too many things on one’s “to do” list
- Creating an “emergency response” plan for when a person becomes too worn out or overwhelmed – it’s about activities that are nurturing on a daily basis
- Being selfish – it’s about caring for yourself in the best ways possible so that you can take care of others, too
In many cases, understanding what self-care isn’t can help you define what it is; there are several key areas to self-care that are crucial for optimal wellbeing in addiction recovery, and many people going through this healing process will employ self-care strategies to help them feel good throughout the day and to encourage their holistic wellbeing.
Physical: eating healthy foods, getting established a healthy sleeping routine, physical touch and more
Psychological: learning and challenging oneself, considering the consequences to one’s actions, practicing mindfulness, increasing one’s personal motivations for accomplishing meaningful activities, etc.
Emotional: navigating emotions, learning how to healthily express one’s emotions, managing stress in healthy ways, and others
Social: surrounding oneself with a group of uplifting, loving and supportive people, building a sense of belonging and connectedness with others
Professional: sharing one’s strengths and gifts with the world, applying talents to opportunities, etc.
Environmental: maintaining an organized, clean home, having clean clothes, minimizing waste and others
Spiritual: beliefs and values that help guide a person through life; engaging in a variety of practices to strengthen one’s purpose to the world at large, etc.
Financial: being responsible when it comes to living expenses, income, debts, etc.
With so many aspects to self-care, it can feel overwhelming – but the goal is to remember that while we can’t be perfect in these areas all the time, we can strive to become better in them over time.
If you’re ready to begin taking great strides towards your health and wellbeing, speak with a professional from Alta Loma today. Mental illness should be taken seriously and, if not treated early on, more severe conditions can arise. The best way to promote happiness and health is to seek help – and to begin using effective interventions for treating the problematic symptoms a person is experiencing. Don’t wait any longer to seek the help you need. Please call Alta Loma today – and you’ll be surrounded by a healthcare team who truly cares about your recovery. 866-457-3843.